Sunday, 8 April 2012

Dressing for the Occasion

Dresses for breakfasts, and dinners, and all;
Dresses to sit in, and stand in, and walk in;
Dresses to dance in, and flirt in, and talk in;
Dresses in which to do nothing at all;
Dresses for Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.

American author Mark Twain said that,The finest clothing made is a person's skin, but, of course, society demands something more than this.”

Our shirts and trousers have a lot of stitches but If you see our skin you won’t be able to find any stitch. Thank god for no stitches.

GOD (Generator, Operator, Destructor)

I believe in GOD and being an employee of Logica, I would like to prove it logically that GOD exists.

What is the proof of GOD’s existence?

1. GOD is not visible and shouldn’t we only consider that thing, what is visible. Air is also invisible but we believe in its presence as we can feel it on our skin. And what about other invisible things, which are minute than air, like electrons, Mind, Ether, Spirit etc. are abstract so cannot be detected by 5 senses. Only Concrete things are visible. Science has its scope to prove anything. When Science becomes helpless, Philosophy comes into the picture. Abstract things can be proved by Philosophy.

2. Just as if there is a book, there exists the author, if there is a painting, there must be a Painter, in the same way, if there is creation, there must be a Creator. That creator is GOD.

3. Just as there is the beginning of the day after every night, in the same way there is the beginning of the Creation after certain period.  There was an extremely hot and dense huge object few billion years ago. Then Big Bang happened and the Universe began to expand.

Who caused the Big bang? According to Newton’s First Law of Motion, “Every object persists in its non-moving state or moving state continuously until a force doesn’t act on it.” So, it was GOD who caused the Big bang and provided motion.

There are many incidents in my life when I felt that an invisible power is supporting me.  I would like to share one of the incidents with you.

4. Everything in this universe is attracted to its source. For example, Water is attracted by the Ocean, wherever you pour, it goes downwards.  It has the hurry to meet the Ocean. Wherever you lit the fire it goes upwards, because it is attracted by the Stars which are the source of Fire, so Fire goes in upwards direction with desire to meet the Stars.

In the same way we wander in the life to meet something, we are attracted by something continuously. What is that thing? Is that Prosperity, Power, Position, Prestige? No, these are only medium, by having Prosperity, Power, Position or Prestige, what do we get? We get pleasure.
So, the common objective of the human being is to become happy by getting ultimate pleasure (Bliss). Medium to get pleasure could be Prosperity, Power, Position or Prestige.

5. Who replenishes, rejuvenates us, when we are unconscious during sleep? We get the energy and bliss by the invisible power and we get up with energy and enthusiasm. That charging power is GOD.

6. Spirits versus GOD:
a) Spirit/Soul can live at one place at a time but GOD is omnipresent means living all places all the time that is why we have command over limited things and GOD has the command over everything.

b) Man is the most intelligent creature in Universe, but Creation done by Man has its life starting from Adult to Old but GOD’s creation has its life starting from infant to Old.

c) Man’s creation comes in different versions but GOD’s creation comes in final version.

At the last but not the least, God has been continuously guiding us, whenever we are about to do wrong things, the feeling of shame, doubt and fear come to our mind which is the signal indicated by GOD.

Similarly, whenever we do right things, the feeling of courage, encourage and bliss are provided by GOD.

Mountaintops inspire Leaders but valleys mature them

In mathematics, there are 3 types of function: increasing, decreasing and constant function.

For example, Sinø is an increasing function for ø=0 to π/2
Cosø is a decreasing function for ø=0 to π/2
And x = any number is a constant function.

Similarly, in our life either we are increasing at one period or decreasing at another. But nothing is constant in our life.

Routine of Great person is organized and regular. And our routines are irregular. My time of getting up is not constant, if I started morning walk this month, I may discontinue in other month.

I asked my faculty during my graduation, Sir if in Term-end Examination, Question will be asked from Data Structure, why are you teaching C-language. He replied, Enemy of wisdom, Data Structure is the advanced thing, and language is the basic. If you don’t know the simple way to store and manipulate data, how will you be able to organize the data in specific way?
Growth happens down in the valley. The valley isn’t fun – but it helps make the mountaintop so much more inspiring. Distance lends enchantment to the view. Valley is like the childhood and mountaintops are like adulthood.

An aeroplane has to run for a distance on the plain to take off and touch the height. And if we are connected to ground level, we can prevent ourselves from hard fall.

The most important things in life are not things

There are two types of things in this world.
1)      Abstract Things like blessings, Love, Hope, Wisdom
2)      Concrete Things like Money, Power and Position

Concrete things are important but Abstract things are most important. Concrete things are having time bound and are dual in nature but Abstract things can go beyond time.

Man can survive for 2 months without Food, 3 days without water and 8 minutes without Air but only 1 second without Hope. Air is abstract than Food and Water and Hope is relatively abstract than Air. Abstract things can be termed as Roots and Concrete things can be termed as Fruits.

We have moved past the things we really want and need and are buying those things that have nothing to do with our lives.

In the Contrary, Abstract things provide meaning to our life. Our Souls are not hungry for Money, power, position or fame. Our souls are hungry for meaning, for the sense that we have figured out how to live so that our lives matter.